Woodwork Manufacturing Specialist

Department of Labor (DOL) Registered Apprenticeship/Occupation

With its commitment to actively support workforce development in the wood industry, Burke Architectural Millwork conceived of and led a team of dedicated innovative business owners, educational partners and industry organizations to create the first 21st century approved Department of Labor (DOL) registered apprenticeship and official occupation in woodworking, “Woodwork Manufacturing Specialist”.  Burke Architectural Millwork drafted the initial framework to address the employment gap in the wood products industry through cross-training and upskilling new and existing employees in a STEM-based combination of CAD, mechatronics, wood processing, coatings, estimating and project management.

This fully customizable, competency-based DOL registered apprenticeship is available to ALL wood industry businesses across the United States and any new or incumbent employee. DOL registered apprenticeships cost businesses nothing. Currently there is both federal and state funding available to businesses who register an employee in a DOL apprenticeship.

Wood industry business owners/HR managers, learn more about Department of Labor registered apprenticeships and how they might be a good fit at your company by watching the following: CMA Webinar April 2022

For more information on the Woodwork Manufacturing Specialist Apprenticeship please contact the following:

  • (Employer or Employee Inquires) Kelly Victor-Burke, Burke Architectural Millwork, Kelly@burkemillwork.com
  • (Employer Only Inquiries) Becky Calwell, Senior Program Manager,  JFF.org, bcalwell@jff.org
  • (Employer or Employee Inquires) Your local Community College’s Apprenticeship Coordinator
  • (Employer or Employee Inquires) Your local/state U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship:  CLICK HERE for Listing of State DOL Office of Apprenitceship
  • (Employer or Employee Inquires) Urban Institute’s Woodwork Manufacturing Specialist Apprenticeship Competency-Based Occupational Framework: CLICK HERE
  • (Employer or Employee Inquires) Urban Institute’s Woodwork Manufacturing Specialist Apprenticeship Work Process Schedule: CLICK HERE